The Collective has been gathering together since 2017 to identify and establish our common agenda for advancing wahi kūpuna stewardship.

Protect and Restore Wahi Kūpuna
Actively managing our wahi kūpuna, iwi kūpuna, and koehana (artifacts)
Developing systems to better navigate the Historic Preservation process and creating best practices for restoring wahi kūpuna

Empower Community-Based Stewardship
Building community capacity to mālama wahi kūpuna through participation, collaboration, education, training, and resources
Accessing our wahi kūpuna to re-activate and re-vitalize our practices in these spaces

Generate and Steward Knowledge
Prioritizing ʻŌiwi knowledge systems by honoring place-based expertise, integrating natural and cultural resources, and grounding knowledge in a cultural context
Creating an interdisciplinary systems approach and best practices to properly gather, manage, and disseminate wahi kūpuna data

Collectively, we stand upon a set of values that are the foundation of our efforts to mālama wahi kūpuna:
Our Living Values

maintaining a deep and abiding love for the land which creates and sustains us

activating and upholding our rights and responsibilities

honoring our lineage and the reciprocal relationship between ʻāina and kānaka

building and fostering relationships with our akua, ʻāina, and lāhui

being spiritually grounded and guided by our insights

being righteous and proper in all we do

working together in unity for the collective betterment